Off Road Triathlon Training

Off Road Triathlon Training Session

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A fantastic 3 in 1 session to include a lake swim, tough and technical mountain bike ride and on and off road trail run. This session aims to hone your off road triathlon skills with a challenging course and slick transitions. A great opportunity to train in all three disciplines in one go without the pressure of a race.

Off-road triathlon training offers athletes a unique and exciting way to prepare for triathlon races that take place on challenging, unpaved terrain. These demanding conditions require athletes to adapt their skills and strategies, as the diverse courses can be physically and mentally taxing.

More like a Half Ironman than an Olympic Distance Triathlon, off road triathlon or Xterra as its known, challenges  your skills in swim, bike and run like no other multi-sport event.

Prerequisite: Completion of the Mountain Bike Coached Session

Session Time: 3-4 hours

Equipment Required: wetsuit, trisuit, hat, goggles, mountain bike, drink, gels, bike shoes, bike helmet, sunglasses and trail running shoes.

Swim 1500m: Two Laps of 750m at Bray Lake

Bike 40km: A varied MTB route with both road and off road sections including  gap jumps if you take the A lines!

Run 10km: Again a varied route with changing terrain (6 different running surfaces) and some technical sections.

Book Now 9th June

Book Now 5th July

Book Now 11th August

Book Now 15th Sept